Monday, November 28, 2011

Holy Cow, Time flies, but cows...don't.

So as hard as it is to believe, we have been in utah for 6 months now! Eloise turned one year old on 11/6. Joe and I will celebrate our anniversary on the 10th of December, making it 6 years since we were married, and Scarlett Paige will turn 5 exactly one week later. My birthday is the day prior. I will be 27 years old... How the heck did that happen? Seems like yesterday I was turning 24... where does the time go?

Anyway, the past week has brought with it truckloads of turkey along with truckloads of sickness. Day after thanksgiving I had (what I thought at the time was) food poisoning. Saturday I felt mostly better and attended our Maestas family Thanksgiving. Last night when I went to put Eloise down for bed, she puked all over me. Made for a rough night, and today has been very off as well. Eloise refuses to nap, has had one loose stool today, and is very cranky. Scarlett is being a pill too, so maybe she is coming down with something too. I pray she doesn't get the throwing up thing... as I HATE that most. I was so grateful it was a school day, even if its a short day, because Ellie demanded all of my attention while she was gone. Looks like Eloise is getting her energy back, cause she is playing all over the place right now.

My good news is: We will be in AZ for Christmas. I'm hoping to get there in time for the caroling party on the 16th, but I'm not sure that will happen... Hopefully we can finalize all plans this week. If you want to get together let me know. I'm thinking to do a little birthday shindig at the Peter Piper Pizza for me and Scar while we are down.  

My Mother in Law bought me 2 tickets to The Forgotten Carols by Michael McLean for my Christmas gift this year... I have never seen it, and am a HUGE McLean fan. Its on the 1st. I've convinced my Dear Husband to come with me, and Im truly excited for this date night out sans dear daughters. 

Thats all I have to say now, oh, except that my wonderful husband got me a keyboard, which has brought me to having NO good excuse not to blog more regularly, here's hoping this is true. Love to all and hopefully you will here from me again in a day or so.



Hot Diggity Daws said...

Time really does fly. Bummer about the stomach flu, I certainly can appreciate how horrible it is to puke, I HATE when kids puke too! Miserable!

Sounds like a thoughtful birthday gift. Looking forward to your visit.

Allyson & Jere said...

Yeah, get used to this whole time flying thing. Before you know it you'll be 30, LOOK OUT! Glad to know you're all alive, and hopefully getting better. This sick thing SUCKS! And lastly, enjoy the Forgotten Carols, it really is very good. Our dear friend Jordan is a star in it, and holy cow you'll die at his songs.