Sunday, December 4, 2011


Ellie got her other top front tooth and is leaps and bounds happier... if you though that was possible! She is such a happy, sweet girl. Yesterday she learned how to climb down from the little kiddie bench she kept getting herself stuck on top of. Joe and I went and saw the Forgotten Carols on Thursday night. It was a lovely play. I was a little starstruck with Michael Mclean. I have been singing along to his CDs for so so many years, that to see him in the flesh was exciting. I was in the second row. I could have bought something and had him sign it, but the show really ran on late! Once it was over they still did like 4 more songs. I think he would be wiser to just let the show end and give people time to buy merch. Still though, I'm glad I saw it. Looks like they will be in AZ closer to Christmas, not too late to see it yourself!

Well its Sunday morning and church starts in half an hour, so if I am going to wrangle up Scarlett and convince her to go,  I had better get a move on.

Lots of love, and anticipation for being in AZ in a few weeks!


1 comment:

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Missing you guys already!! Come back when I feel better and can play more!