So Yesterday from 1-3 was my Scentsy party. Thank you to my Mom, Sisters, and cousin Michael for coming. Those were the only people that came, even though I invited SO MANY people. I have to try not to take offense to the fact that very few people came, but sometimes it can be hard to. I mean, I try to show up to other people's things. But, everyone who did come, bought something, so I still technically had a successful party. I'm not sure how much free stuff I earned yet, but I should at least be able to get a couple things.
I got up somewhat early Saturday to make sure my house was clean and ready for company, and really didn't stop working until about 5 pm. By 7 I really was ready for a nap, so I slept for about an hour and a half, and then we didn't go to bed until almost 3 a.m., so I slept really late, and Joe got up with the baby this morning for me. He is a good daddy. I woke up to Scarlett laughing playing peek-a-boo and shreiking with joy. I love my little family.
For the most part though, its been a low key uneventful weekend. Its so nice to have Joe home, and I wish he didn't have to go back to work Monday, but somebody has to make the moneys.

There isn't much more for me to announce so I'll end this for now. Love you all.
Glad to hear your party was a success. Sorry I wasn't able to make it. We were out of town. Hopefully next time! That's exciting news about school. Good Luck!
I'm so sorry I couldn't come! I had so much going on that day with Saladmaster! But, I am glad that it was still successful for you. Congrats on the new motivation of Beauty School. That would be so much fun! I hoope it all works out for you! P.S. Did someone from the office call you about your set yet? Let me know what the outcome is?
Yeah and bummer about your party. I know how those things can go.I'm glad that you have found something that you really want to do. I think that makes a huge difference. Love ya, and miss you.
That is awesome that you will be able to go to beauty school it's so grease! With the exception being you wouldn't drop out and you are very creative and a fast learner and would be great at it!!! Also I am sorry I couldn't attend, I wish I had money and I would have but things are a little tight right now in my book no fun!!! But I miss you and we do need to hang out soon Molly congrats though I am glad it was a hit!
I am so sorry about not getting to your party, me and Adam started running errands and pretty much lost track of time.
I think going to beauty school is a great idea, I have always wanted to learn how to cut hair too, but for me I am always afraid of getting bored and wanting to quit. You go girl!!
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