Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo- for Mothers

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I am going to list 5 things I am grateful for.

#1- I'm thankful for my girls. I am thankful for their love, for every smile, laugh, hug, and kiss. I love to giggle with them over silly things. I love to make up jokes with my Scarlett. I love to hold my Eloise close when she is "drunken" with milk after a feeding, and I also love her big drool-y kisses on my giant forehead.

I'm thankful for a Mom who loves me, and thinks about and prays for me every day who is always searching her heart and closet for things to give me, and when she doesn't find them there, she will at a yard sale or the store. I am grateful for her calming voice and soft touch, for her lullabies that my girls cherish as much as I did when I was their age, and still do.

I am grateful that we can laugh and spend time together, and that we get along so well.

I'm grateful for my Grandma (moms mom) who always made my mom feel like she was important, loved, and of value. Who never belittled her or with-held a single thing she owned from another who stood in need. Who stood strong amidst a slew of adversities in her life. She would let me come to her house when I stayed home sick from school, would rub my feet with lotion and put socks on my feet to keep them warm. I can still feel that love now, 15+ years later.

I'm thankful for my sisters and sister in laws (on both sides of the family, Joes sisters too) who are so kind, loving, and giving of their time and support and always know how to solve a problem or help me feel better. Not to mention they are fun to hang out with!! I love too see them as mothers, and draw on their strengths and experience, and swap kid stories.

I'm grateful for my Mother in Law, for her love for my children. For her giving heart, and immense compassion. For the time she spent with me, preparing for Eloise to come. I'm grateful to her for raising my Husband, and instilling in him a good set of values that he governs his life by. I am grateful that Rita is always just a phone call, text or email away.

My cup brimmeth over. -Red.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Best way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!! Love it! Great photos to go with your tribute. I am grateful for you too!

babyhellfire said...

What a sweet post - and beautiful pictures!!

Sarah S. Foote said...

Love it!!! I am thankful for all those thing too... And you!!!! Love you little sister! Happy Mothers Day Weekend!