Monday, August 2, 2010

Name Game

Today I was lucky enough to find my Husband in the mood to talk about names!! :)

Top names are

Eloise Violet Rawlins (still) and Julia Claire Rawlins. I told Joe that Julia Claire almost sounds good enough to eat...  "I'll have a Julia Claire a'la mode."

I am definitely still thinking we will have to meet this little girl before we are completely decided on the name. I can't believe how the days are flying by!

Huge accomplishment last night: Scarlett Paige wore underwear!! They have Dora on them and stars all over, with a ruffly band... I do not think you understand how unbearably happy I was for her to wear them. I had to bribe her with Rainbow Brite markers... but, it worked. She also sat on the Elmo potty seat on the potty using her toddler potty as a step stool. We still put her in a diaper to sleep in, which she peed in TONS because I know she was holding it in, but today WILL be the day that PEES in the potty. Wish us luck!

Joe arrived safely home from his business trip to San Fran and brought me a cute little red golden gate bridge. He said since he couldn't take me to the bridge he brought the bridge home to me. He got Scarlett a cute little teddy bear with a San Francisco sweatshirt on it, but she doesn't like it... not a big bear fan. I told him maybe the new baby will like it! :)

I wish I could just pay someone to keep my laundry done for me... it is my hugest problem ever... and the washer and dryer are out side in that hell hole heat, which keeps me from EVER wanting to go out there, and also makes it way easier for the clothes to get stinky when left in the washer a bit too long. BOO, I hate laundry. :(

That's all for now.


1 comment:

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Laundry forgotten in the washer is the worst. I am sure it is lame when the washer is outside. Laundry is one of those joys we just can't live without.

Julia Claire is a super cute name too. I LOVE Scarlett's picture at the top.