Friday, November 14, 2008

A great day, and its only half over!

So my wonderful sister Wendy agreed to watch Scarlett for a few hours so that we could go see a movie this morning. We went and saw the new 007 just as we had planned to do last night. Scarlett had so much fun at Wendy's house, and was so heartbroken when it was time to go. We brought her home, gave her a drink, while she watched some "Patch", and then she walked into her room and let me put her in her crib.

Joe has been a little disappointed that since his return, Scarlett will not allow him to put her to bed. She just gets so upset and screams at the top of her lungs. I guess since I have done it every night while he was away, she has become accustomed to my routine goodnight. I carry her down the hall to her bed, while I talk about what a great day we had, and all of the things we did, and how much fun we had. Then I tell her that it is time to go to sleep, that Elmo, her care bears and raggedy anne and andy will stay with her while she sleeps, and that when she wakes up, I will come get her, and we will have even more fun tomorrow. She happily lets me put her soft cotton Gymboree blankets over her, and she has to have one to hold while she sucks her little thumb and happily closes her eyes. She sometimes rolls to her side to face the wall, and has practically fallen asleep before I can say my final goodnight, and close the door. (she has a blue backyardigans nightlight, so it isn't PITCH black in there, but dark enough.)

So anyway back to my day. Once Scarlett went down for her nap, I decided to check the status of our Glasses which we seem to have ordered DECADES ago from It is THE CHEAPEST site for glasses, with frames starting at $8 a pair, which makes them worth the wait. The tracking information said they had arrived, so I decided to dash down to the mailbox (at the UPS store), to pick them up. To the right is a picture of me in my new glasses. Please refrain from telling me they look exactly like my old ones, because, THEY ARE DIFFERENT! And, I am reminded that brand new glasses provide such a wonderful sensation of clarity and newness to my world and surroundings.

Much to my surprise, our Checks finally arrived that I ordered, along with this really cute bracelet I bought at a jewelry party my Aunt Jolene held last month. 

When I opened the box, I realized that I did buy pretty girly checks, but when I showed them to Joe he was kind enough to say, "oh, nice. very good choice", since he knows that it took me over a month of shopping around for the best deals and a pattern on the checks that I thought I could stomach for the extended period of time it takes to run out(one of the patterns of the checks I put on this post, there are 3 others in the books). Joe is my perfect match. I love him so much. 

By the way, if you need to order checks, the cheapest deal i found was for first-time purchasers at I paid 7.98 for two boxes of non-duplicate checks plus shipping. (however I would reccomend coughing up the extra couple dollars to upgrade shipping, if you dont want to wait FOREVER for them to come. 

The bracelet I bought is even better than I thought it was going to be, and feels like it was worth the money though I had in my mind talked myself out of it a few times. Here is a picture of it on my wrist.


Photography By Jo said...

Hi Molly,
I don't have any breaks in pricing. What I typically do is with those sessions is add a little extra time to a normal session. I also pay an assistant to come help. What people usually do is have each of the individual families help with the cost.

Camille said...

I don't know if I commented yet on your new template, but it looks great! Very festive.

Kim said...

Fun day!! I'm glad you got a little joe time today. You deserved it!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a great day movies, glasses, checks, and a bracelet... What a day!

✩Molly✩ said...

Jo- Thanks for the info. Doing the math, it still is a great deal for the holidays. You are such a great photographer, and well worth it. I am going to try to talk my family into doing a group picture sometime soon, of course I'll let you know if I can rally the troops.

Camille- Thank you for the props on my layout. I do have to confess that I did put quite a bit of time, effort, and lost sleep hours into the process, but when I'm a little blue, all I have to do is open my blog, look at it, and see COMMENTS under my posts, and all is right with the world again.

Kimmy- Thanks! We really had a great day today, and I am feeling just so blessed, I feel like I might burst. We even were able to find a sitter tonight and saw ANOTHER movie, now I am really spoiled.

Wendy-Thanks again! You are the best. Let me know if I can do anything for you, caffeine, though wonderful, is not a good enough trade, i am aware.