Okay, so it started with scarlett screaming and crying all through the night for no apparent reason, then I finally bring her into the livingroom at 7am to get some sunlight, Joe is trying to entertain and keep her happy, throwing a foamy pillow around in the air when he hits my scentsy warmer... and the top part with all the warm RED wax dumped all over the carpet. in our RENTAL apartment, and now the carpet is pretty much stained, and it splattered all over my picture expanding tower thing, and that to me was so horrible.
SO then Joe leaves us and goes to work.
So I have to take scarlett to the urgent care to figure out why she is breathing so fast and why she screams all night long... I waited for TWO HOURS to be seen, and Scarlett was at her wits end. Turns out her ears are fine now, (just ended a 10 day antibiotic 2 days ago for that), but her tonsils look inflamed so they gave us a steroid for her. SO I go to Walgreens at DOBSON and CHANDLER, yes yes the SELF SAME intersection where my car accident was, you would think I would learn my lesson and stay away from there, but no...
Okay that Walgreens doesn't have a drive thru so I haul Scarlett,and our lunch and my bag inside. We waited for the scrip, and picked up some icecream for later while we were at the store. So we go outside to get in our car, and we have lots of stuff, so I grab our bags to put them in the car, take 5 steps away from the cart, am going to open my car door, and Scarlett and the Cart, go rolling down OFF THE SIDEWALK, OFF THE CURB and tip over to the side. As she is rolling, I am SCREAMING and RUNNING toward the cart, and some Mexican guy trys to help me get her out of the cart, to see if we were okay.. thank goodness I had done the seatbelt on the cart, keeping her from slamming her whole noggin on the concrete, but Poor Scarlett's chin got skinned up and a little cut by the side of her mouth and a scratch by her nose and a little bit of dirt on her face, and a skinned up hand...
I AM HEARTBROKEN, and I feel like CRAP. I feel like an unfit person. I feel like everything is wrong and only bad things happen to us. I called Joe sobbing, and he mis heard me thinking I rolled the CAR instead of a CART, so he was freaking out, but once I explained what had happened, and that Scarlett seems to be fine, he told me that I need to stop being so hard on myself--that accidents happen.. well, I'm not hearing it. I just need a freaking break... PLEASE!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Worst day ever
2:07 PM
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Oh Molly, I am sooooo sorry for your day of craziness, accidents happen. I know that it's so hard when something happens to your baby and you feel like it is your fault. IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANY OF US!! I think that you are doing a great job and you shouldn't beat yourself up. Love you, and Hope that Scarlett feels better with the steroids. Let me know if I can do anything, please!
Just another day of being a parent...lol...but seriously...I am glad that there was no serious accidents....I hope she starts feeling better soon...hang in there...
I'm sorry Molly!! I know you don't wanna hear it but everyone has a totally crappy day every once in awhile. I've had those days where I've felt completely inadequate at being a mother and question how I was given such a responsibility. I'm sorry you had a horrible day, hopefully this week can be better for you!
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