Saturday, December 1, 2007

Yesterday's fun

Yesterday I got to meet up with an old friend. It was a lot of fun even if it was RAINING the whole time. I met up with my friend Anjeanette. We went to lunch at Mimi's and I was not quite so impressed with Mimi's this time. In the past they have brought Scarlett out a bib, cheerios and a piece of fruit, but this time, nothing. Plus, their food is rather expensive, especially their smaller portion (healthy) foods. You end up paying MORE for LESS! Im not a fan of that. Whereas Anjie ordered a club sandwich and it was GYNORMOUS and less expensive than my tiny 2 enchiladas! man.. but anyway, it was good. We spent the rest of the afternoon just chatting about anything and everything. I met her husband Daniel. He has a very nice accent, and is a really great guy. She really got a good one, and that makes me very happy for their little family. She has a cute little boy named Aidan, and it was fun to watch Scarlett and Aidan play together. I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures to show... but, wanted to mark the fun day, and note that there will be many to come (HOPEFULLY!). She misses England, but I don't blame her, if I lived in England, I certainly wouldn't want to come back to this mundane place. oh well. Joe told me to tell her that when they decide to move back we (our family) will go with them. :) 


Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

what a fun afternoon! sorry about Mimi's, it's been hit and miss for me too.

✩Molly✩ said...

I think maybe it depends on the location you go to? not really sure, but since my husband doesn't like that place its rare that we go there anyway..