Thursday, August 30, 2007



The stupid SMITH BARNEY people who were sending us the check for our car sent it to our old address instead of our new one EVEN THOUGH Joe told them to send it to the new address, so we have been waiting and SUFFERING in this RECORD BREAKING HEAT, waiting for a check that wasnt coming. I filled out our mail forwarding paperwork, but Adam says that it can take 2 weeks for them to forward you your mail, and that is just NOT OKAY! Scarlett now refuses to get into the car, and cries the whole way because she hates our car THAT MUCH!

I know I'm a little loud today, but I am at the end of my rope. Joe and I last night just sat in our bed trying to figure out a way to raise some money for ourselves. We both thought of a car wash to benefit the Rawlins family. I said we could put a picture of Scarlett all sad on the poster and then everyone will want to donate to our sad cause. Then I started to cry thinking about how much my baby suffers in that stupid car. Scarlett was grumpy again this morning, so I made her go down for a nap. She will be waking up for a bottle here soon though, so I better get my stuff together. I'm hungry so we'll probably go get some lunch.

Last week when my mom came over I took a picture on my photo booth to show her. It is also the first day I REALIZED that headscarves are GREAT when you have no hair!

So apparently there is a holiday weekend approaching. It hasn't really crossed our mind at our house as we're so preoccupied in thought with the frustrations of waiting on this check. Yesterday we couldnt find Joe's cell phone, and so I searched HIGH AND LOW and eventually found it in the chair in Scarlett's room. Joe has decided to put his sim card back into his RAZR phone because he CAN'T STAND the Nokia I was using. Oh well. I think Im going to go clean all the garbage out of our car. That will make it less stressful when we go to pick up Joe from work as foot room is limited at the moment. I am so excited for the new car, and Kimmy was telling me that auto insurance is SUPER CHEAP on it! All my love.

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